Republican through Maoist-era China, 1912–1976
Exhibition Archives

Making the World: Pictures and Science in Modern China University of Alberta

Virtual Museum of the Cultural Revolution created by China News Digest

Image Archives: Library and Academic Institutions

Chinese Torture/Supplis Chinois: Iconographic, Historic, and Literary Approaches of an Exotic Representation Jérôme Bourgon, Institut d'Asie Orientale, ISH Lyon

Cities/Buildings Image Archive University of Washington, Meredith L. Clausen's archive of architectural images from all over the world, including Burma, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet.

Cultural Revolution Anti-Confucius Poster translated by Ken Brashier, Reed College

Cultural Revolution images: "'Serve the People': Daily Life in China During the Cultural Revolution (1972). Professor William A. Joseph,Department of Political Science, Wellesley College

Cultural Revolution Photographs Curated by Thomas Hahn, Cornell University

Gamble Photo Collection Duke University. Approximately 5,000 photographs, primarily of China, 1917-1932.

Gallery of Chinese Propaganda Posters Site curated by theme.

Historical Photographs of China Collaborative project of scholars at the University of Bristol, University of London, and the Institut d'Asie Orientale

Holmes Welch Collection of Military/Wartime Photographs University of Wisconsin Digital Collections

Hong Kong Art Archive

Maps of Shanghai Christian Henriot, editor

Online Archive of California

Rent Collection Courtyard Reed Media Center (digital reproduction of a China Reconstructs 1967 supplement)

Virtual Shanghai: Shanghai Urban Space in Time Christian Henriot, editor

Wrath of the Serfs Charlene Makley, Reed College

Image Databases: Nonprofit Organizations and Other Fun Sites

Chinese Posters: Propaganda, Politics, History, Art

Morning Sun A film and website about the Cultural Revolution, Longbow Group

Bibliography and Online Journals

Art Asia Pacific

Asian Arts E-journal An online journal for the study and exhibition of Asian art. In addition to full text articles and images of numerous works, this site gives information on associations, galleries and exhibitions relevant to Asian art.

MIT Visualizing Cultures

Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center contains, among other things, an image archive of 20th-century Chinese culture and bibliographies of mostly English-language materials on modern Chinese literature, film, art, and culture