Touching Objects

Course Syllabus Fall 2018

Weekly Reading Schedule

Please bookmark the course website on your computer and electronic devices.



Sept 6 - (Th): 

Sarah Pink, Doing Sensory Ethnography 2d ed (London: Sage Publications, 2015), "Sensory Imaginations" and "Scholarly Knowing and Not Knowing," pp. 45-48. (PDF; also available as eBook; pp. 20-23 of chapter 2)

Alexander Nemerov, “Seeing Ghosts: The Turn of the Screw and Art History,” in What Is
Research in the Visual Arts?: Obsession, Archive, Encounter, eds. Michael Ann Holly and Marquard Smith (Williamstown, Mass.: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 2008), 13-32 (PDF)

OPTIONAL: Tim Ingold, The Perception of the Envrionment (London: Routledge, 2000), "General Introduction." (eBook)

Please bring one object to the conference to which you have a strong emotional or physical response, perhaps it tugs at your historical imagination or embodies something about you. We will talk about these objects as we introduce ourselves and discuss Sarah Pink's short essays. During the second half of the conference we will discuss Nemerov's essay.


Sept 13 - (Th): 

John Hay, "Surface and the Chinese Painter: The Discovery of Surface," Archives of Asian Art Vol. 38 (1985): 95-104 ONLY (eJournal)

Richard Vinograd, "The Ends of Chinese Painting," The History of Painting in East Asia: Essays on Scholarly Method, eds. Naomi Richard, Donald Brix (Taipei: Rock Publishing, 2002), 510-526. (PDF)

Gallery A for viewing of the Mactaggart Art Collection

Week Three: COLOUR

Sept 20 - (Th): 

Jonathan Hay, Sensuous Surfaces (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2010), pp. 169-180, 381-396. (PDF)

Geoffrey Gowlland,"Learning to See Value: Exchange and the politics of vision in a Chinese craft," Ethnos 74, no. 2 (June 2009): 229-250. (eJournal) grad students only

Edmund Husserl, "Visual and Tactual," reprinted in Experience: Culture, Cognition and Common Sense, eds. Caroline Jones, David Mather, Rebecca Uchill (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016), 263-66. (PDF)

making as touching: porcelains & ceramics; please see images uploaded to the blog


Sept 27 - (Th): 

Discussion facilitators: Ashley, Han

Mia Hunt, "Urban Photography/Cultural Geography: Spaces, Objects, Events," Geography Compass8, no. 3 (2014): 151-168. (eJournal) 

Wu Hung, "Between Past and Future: A Brief History of Contemporary Chinese Photography," in Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China, eds. Wu Hung and Christopher Phillips (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), pp. 11-26 (up to "History and Memory") & "People and Place," pp. 30-34. (PDF)

optional: Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida (Hill & Wang, 1981), delve into it if curious (PDF)

photography and texture of space

Zhang Wenxin 张文心

Gu Zheng 顾铮 (sorry, this gallery took down its images, so the link is broken)

Wang Bing 王兵

Ma Yansong/mad (an architect, not a photographer; look at ways his installations are represented in photographs) site loads slowly; see for other photographs of his installations


Oct 4 - (Th): 

Discussion facilitators: Brittany, Lisa

Caroline Fowler, Drawing and the Senses: An Early Modern History (Turnhout, Beligium: Brepols, 2016), "Introduction: A History of early modern drawing and the senses." (PDF)

John Hay, "The Body Invisible in Chinese Art?" in Body, Subject, and Power in China,  eds. Tani Barlow and Angela Zito (Chicago:   University of Chicago Press, 1994), 42-77. (will be emailed to you)

Mai-mai Sze, tr., The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1956). eBook. Please browse. 

OPTIONAL: Michel Fehrer, ed., Fragments for a history of the human body (New York: ZONE, 1989), excerpt from his introduction, pp. 11-13. (PDF)

painting manuals & book illustration

The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting (Jieziyuan huazhuan 芥子園畫傳), original 1782 Chinese imprint in the Brooklyn Museum CLICK HERE


Oct 11 - (Th):

Discussion facilitators: Kendra, Asal

John Hay, "The human body as microcosmic source of macrocosmic values in calligraphy,"Theories of the Arts in China, eds. Susan Bush and Christian Murck (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983), 74-98 + notes (PDF).

Amelia Jones, "'Presence' in Absentia: Experiencing Performance as Documentation," Art Journal56, no. 4, Performance Art: (Some) Theory and (Selected) Practice at the End of This Century (Winter 1997): 11-18. (eJournal)

Gu Wenda 谷文达

Lee Mingwei 



Oct 18 - (Th):

Discussion facilitators: Akosua, Tia

Michael Ann Holly, The Melancholy Art (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013), xi-xxi, 1-24. (PDF)

TJ Clark, The Sight of Death: An Experiment in Art Writing (New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2006), 1-13. (PDF)

Peter Sloterdijk, "Excursus 1: Thought Transmission," in Bubbles, tr. Wieland Hoban (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011), 263-268. (PDF)

Think about inscriptions on handscrolls and hanging scrolls for the discussion led by Akosua and Tia during the first half of the session. Instead of focusing on objects during the second half of the conference, we will have a writing workshop.

Week Eight: JOY

Oct 25 - (Th): 

Discussion facilitators: Han, Cynthia

Svetlana Alpers, Roof Life (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2013), "Self-Seen," pp. 221-250. (PDF)

Cretian van Campen, The Proust Effect: The senses as doorways to lost memories (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), "Introduction" & "The art of memory" (eBook)

Penelope Deutscher, "Desiring touch in Sartre and Beauvoir," in The Book of Touch, ed. Constance Classen (London, New York: Berg, 2005), 102-105 (PDF).

memories as joy 
Song Dong 宋冬 & Yin Xiuzhen 尹秀珍: The Way of Chopsticks (see 
vimeo interview with their child)

Maleonn 马良

Week Nine: MADNESS

Nov 1 - (Th): 

Discussion facilitators: Tia, Deanna

Timothy Morton, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and ecology after the end of the world (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), "A Quake in Being" excerpt pp. 1-15. (PDF to be emailed to you)

Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement: Climate change and the unthinkable (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), "Stories" (PDF)

Bruno Latour, "Sensitizing," in Experience: Culture, Cognition and Common Sense, eds. Caroline Jones, David Mather, Rebecca Uchill (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016), 315-323. (PDF)

Yao Lu 姚璐

Wen Fang 文芳, Maskbook

Brother Nut (Jianguo xiongdi 坚果兄弟, aka Wang Renzheng 王仁征)

Week Ten: PAIN

Nov 8 - (Th): 

Discussion facilitators: Asal, Tara

James Elkins, "On the complicity between visual analysis and torture: A cut-by-cut account of lingchi photographs," in Representations of Pain in Art and Visual Culture, eds. Elkins and Maria Pia Di Bella (New York: Routledge, 2013), 75-87. (PDF)

Ari Heinrich, Chinese Surplus (Durham: Duke University Press, 2017), Ch 1 "Chinese Whispers" (eBook + PDF)

Please draw pictures from the assigned texts.


Week Twelve: DEATH

Nov 22 - (Th): 

Discussion facilitators:

TJ Clark, The Sight of Death: An Experiment in Art Writing (New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2006), 14-52 (PDF)

Alphonso Lingis,  Dangerous Emotions (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000), "Joy in Dying." (PDF)



Weeks Thirteen & Fourteen

Nov 29 - (Th): 

Dec 6 - (Th): 

The University of Alberta acknowledges that we are located on Treaty 6 territory, and respects the histories, languages, and cultures of the First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and all First Peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our vibrant community.